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When To Plant Daffodils

Daffodil 4111581 640 - Garden Express Australia

Tips for growing daffodils

While you can plant Daffodils all year round, if you’re living in Australia it is best to plant the bulbs in March and April as the flowers tend to bloom in late winter and spring.

However, if you’d prefer to add potted daffodils to your outdoor space, you can plant these any time of year.

To create an optimal environment when planting Daffodil bulbs, you should try to space your Daffodils three to six inches apart and feed your Daffodils with fertiliser that is low in nitrogen and high in potash before flowering.

Varieties of daffodils 

Daffodils are great for pots, tubs and the garden. If you leave Daffodils in the ground year after year you will be treated to a lovely mass of multiplied Daffodil bulbs that, in return, will give your garden beautiful large clumps of colour.

Daffodils also make for an excellent cut flower to help bring a touch of spring to the indoors.

Are you looking to plant Daffodil bulbs but are struggling to figure out which Daffodils will suit your garden? We’ve created a list of Daffodils that are perfect for growth in Australia.

Daffodil Thalia

Daffodil Thalia Pkdaftha - Garden Express Australia

Daffodil Thalia are considered to be an ‘heirloom’ variety. They feature white flowers that are performed, and with age will turn to a creamy colour. This kind of Daffodil is cute and dainty, making them perfect for gardens, rockeries, pots, and fairy gardens.




Daffodil Fortune

Daffodil Fortune Pkdaffor 2018 - Garden Express Australia

If you’re looking for a Daffodil that is not only bold in colour but also interesting in shape, consider planting a Daffodil Fortune. Daffodil Fortunes bloom bright yellow petals and feature an orange cup in the centre for added detail.




Daffodil High Society

Daffodil High Society 2012 - Garden Express Australia

Daffodil High Society is renowned for being an unusual variation to the traditional yellow and orange Daffodils we associate with spring. These Daffodils will bloom petals that are a stunning pale white, and will have a trumpet feature in the centre that is coloured white with a cherry red lip.




Daffodil Tete A Tete

Daffodil Tete Tete Pkdaftte 2019 - Garden Express Australia

Daffodil Tete A Tete basically looks like a scaled down version of a larger Daffodil. They are a vibrant yellow with a golden-yellow trumpet that blooms in the centre of the flower.




Daffodil Flower Parade

Daffodil Flower Parade Pkdaffpa - Garden Express Australia

Flower Parade Daffodils are often a favourite for many gardeners due to their shape being so unlike other Daffodils. Flower parade Daffodils will usually have double layers of petals or a double trumpet. These petals feature many rows of warm white petals with a hint of glowing orange for extra detail.




When do you plant daffodil bulbs?

Daffodil 5176511 640 - Garden Express Australia

To ensure ongoing growth, planting Daffodils is best done in colder climates. Warm weather restricts the ability of Daffodils to set adequate roots and grow to become strong, blossoming flowers. 

If you live in a warmer climate, Daffodils are best grown as annuals. The warm weather results in a shortened time frame between flowering and the dying down of foliage. Warm weather also means that your Daffodils are less likely to flower the following year.

Growing daffodils indoors

Whilst Daffodils will not grow indoors, you can enjoy them inside for a short while. Daffodils will not emerge from the soil without a cold period to set the roots, which enables them to grow. This means your Daffodils will have to be planted outside in a cool spot until the flower buds begin to form. This can take anywhere from 10-12 weeks.

Once the flowers are beginning to form, you may bring them indoors to enjoy. However, it is important to remain aware of the temperature within your home when your Daffodils are inside. Temperatures upwards of 17-18 degrees will see your Daffodils flower and die off quickly. A good way to slow the process down is to leave your Daffodils outside each night.

At Garden Express we sell a variety of Daffodils as dormant bulbs ready for you to plant either in your garden or in a pot within your home. Choose from a wide selection of colourful Daffodils by browsing our online Daffodil catalogue.

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