Spring Bulbs in Warmer Climates
To grow Spring flowering bulbs in warmer winter regions of Australia you have to try and achieve one important thing – cool soil temperatures over winter. How?
- Select bulbs that are suited to a warmer climate (refer to the climate map for bulbs that suit your climate).
- Delay planting until April or May when the worst of the summer heat has passed.
- Choose a cooler spot in the garden, but not full shade.
- Stop the sun from hitting the soil directly with a protective layer of mulch 5-10cm thick. This will also conserve water and act as insulation against rapid temperature changes.
- Damp soil is cooler than dry soil so once you’ve mulched, give the ground a good soak. Most warm winter climates are also dry winter climates, so a good watering once a week will keep things cool and healthy.