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Small Ornamental Trees 

Ornamental Trees

Incorporating small ornamental trees into your garden is the perfect way to add colour, foliage and structure to your outdoor space.

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If you have little space, small ornamental trees are a great addition to your garden. Small ornamental trees come in a number of varieties and differ in colour, size, fruit and flowers.

Top 4 Small Ornamental Trees

Here are some of the best dwarf ornamental trees in Australia, which are suitable for a wide range of Australian climates and garden sizes.

Japanese Maple

The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is the perfect size for smaller gardens. Round in stature, beautifully coloured in Autumn and green in Spring and Summer, these small ornamental trees add much needed colour and foliage to your garden.

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtles allow gardeners to easily control their shape and size through hard pruning each Winter. Blooming flowers later in Summer and with foliage turning fiery colours in Autumn, Crepe Myrtles feature larger leaves than flower blooms and weep over most gardens.

Conifer Sabina

The Conifer Sabina (Juniperus sabina) is a hardy evergreen Conifer that can be pruned by gardeners to remain a certain shape and size. The low growing variety has blue/green tonings as a juvenile, and turns into an elegant dark green at maturity. This variety survives well in most Australian climates and soils.

Chinese Redbud

The Chinese Redbud (Cercis chinensis) is smaller than other Cercis and is suitable for potted plants and courtyard gardens. The elegant tree blossoms rosy purple flowers in Spring, and is covered in green leaves during Summer and Autumn.

Other Dwarf Ornamental Trees

Once you have filled your garden with our favourite small ornamental trees, there are a few others that may make a great addition to your outdoor space, including the Blueberry Ash, Murraya Paniculata and Tibouchina Alstonville.

The Blueberry Ash is a native tree that responds well to pruning. Whilst it can grow to approximately 8-12 metres tall by 3-4 metres wide, this variety will remain small if pruned regularly. The variety’s tones flourish throughout the year, beginning coppery, then fading from lime to dark green. In Spring, blush coloured flowers blossom.

The Murraya Paniculata is an evergreen tree that grows to approximately 2 metres tall by 1.5 metres wide. This variety is commonly pruned into a hedge by gardeners with a small outdoor space, but also doubles as a beautifully coloured small tree.

The Tibouchina Alstonville is on the larger size of the small tree varieties. Growing to approximately 5-6 metres tall, the Tibouchina Alstonville can be pruned to fit most gardens. This variety reaches full bloom from mid-Summer through to late-Autumn, in an impressive deep violet colour.

Looking for more ornamental trees?

At Garden Express, we have a large selection of small ornamental trees for gardeners to choose from.

If you’re looking for more ornamental trees, check out our range of Magnolias today.

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