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Snowdrop Growing Guide

Header Snowdrop - Garden Express Australia

What is Snowdrop?

Snowdrop (Galanthus  spp.) also known as the English Snowdrop is an erect bulbous perennial. It is part of the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to Europe and usually found in woodland areas. Mid way through Winter the bulb will sprout bluey green to mild green foliage, depending on the variety, which is narrow and grass like. Late Winter to early Spring thin stems will emerge which carry a single bell shaped flower. The flowers are white, lightly scented, and are tipped with green. They prefer a full sun, part shade to dapple shaded position in the garden that has well draining soil. Snowdrops need a cold winter to grow well so they are only suited to the southern states of Australia. They go dormant over Summer.

Benefits of Growing Snowdrop

Snowdrops are best planted en masse for a great display. They naturalised when left undisturbed. They grow well in borders, at the base of shrubs or deciduous trees, or part of a woodland setting. Snowdrops grow well in containers and pots.

How to Grow Snowdrop

Galanthus Sylvan Vale 15 St - Garden Express Australia

Galanthus Sylvan Vale

Climatic Zones

Cool, temperate, arid.

Plant Size

Height: 15-20cm, Width: 10-15cm

When To Plant Snowdrop

Plant in Autumn.

Soil Preparation

Snowdrops prefer a humus rich well draining soil. Dig through well broken down animal manure or compost before planting.

How To Plant Snowdrop

Plant in full sun to part shade, 5-10cm apart with the bulb 5-7cm below the soil level. 

Snowdrop Plant Care

Water well to keep the soil lightly moist. They do not like to dry out except when dormant.

Fertilise in Spring with a slow release fertiliser.

They usually multiply quick but should not be disturbed for at least 3 years before they can be divided. They can be divided once the foliage has died back.