Peony Rose Planting and Care Guide
Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Hybrids
Family Name: Paeoniaceae
Plant Type: Herbaceous woody rootstock
Size: 70cm H x 40cm W
Planting Time: Winter and Early Spring
Flowering: Mid Spring to Early Summer
Planting Width: 30cm – 60cm Depth: 5cm. Eyes of rootstock must not be buried too deep.
Positioning:Â Semi Shade prefers morning sun and shade in the heat of the day. Needs sunlight for flowers but prefers a cool root area.
General Information: The Holy Grail of gardeners, the Peony must have a cold winter to succeed. In warmer climates, this can be manipulated by watering with chilled water in the warmer months and tipping ice cubes around the root systems of plants while they are dormant. Having a lovely fragrance, these flowers will scent a room when used as a cut flower and will last well in a vase. Having a slow multiplication speed, Peonies can take 12 months to establish and flower after being transplanted.
Soil: Well-drained, but will tend to flower better in a heavier type of soil. Add lots of organic matter for best results.
Watering: Keep well-watered during the growing period.
Fertilising: Prepare the soil with blood and bone, or well-rotted compost (avoid fresh animal manure) prior to planting. Top dress with a 5 cm thick layer of pelletised chook manure and Dolomite Lime in Winter, and a good layer of blood and bone in Spring and Autumn.
Pruning: Remove spent blooms, remove old foliage in winter once the plant is dormant.
Dislikes: Fresh animal manure. Hot climates.
Pests: Botrytis can be a problem in spring; this can be controlled with regular use of a commercial spray during spring.
Tips: Protect from heavy frosts once new growth starts. Make sure that plants are sheltered from strong winds. Buds can be picked to open in the vase. Small or no blooms can be expected in the first year. Paeonies thrive after a cold winter.