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Hymenocallis Growing Guide

Header Hymenocallis - Garden Express Australia

What is Hymenocallis?

Hymenocallis (Hymenocallis x festalis) also known as Sacred Lily of the Incas, Spider Lily, Peruvian Daffodil, Ismene Lily is a clump forming bulbous perennial. It is part of the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to Southern America through Mexico to Peru and Venezuela. Flowering in Summer, the Hymenocallis flowers emerge before the foliage appears. White trumpet shaped flowers with 6 narrow curing petals appear on tall sturdy flower spikes. These flowers are fragrant. Dark green strappy foliage grows and surrounds the flower spike. Hymenocallis prefer a full sun position in the garden that has enriched organics soils. It remains evergreen in mild to warm climates where in cold climates will go dormant over Autumn and Winter.

Benefits of Growing Hymenocallis

Hymenocallis have exotic, fragrant blooms that will make an impact in your garden. They are also suitable for large pots and tubs. They look lovely grown in clumps especially in a sub tropical and tropical gardens. They makes for a great cut flowers. If potted, they can be bought inside to enjoy when in flower.

How to Grow Hymenocallis

Hymenocallis Spider Lily Pkspilil - Garden Express Australia


Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 60cm, Width: 30cm

When To Plant Hymenocallis

Plant in late Winter to early Spring.

Soil Preparation

They like well drained to sandy soil that is organically rich. Mix through well broken down animal manure, blood and bone or complete fertiliser prior to planting.

How To Plant Hymenocallis

Plant in full sun, 15cm apart with the tip of the bulb at soil level.

Hymenocallis Plant Care

The soil needs to remain moist so water regularly during dry periods. Requires a dry dormant period in Autumn to flower regularly in Summer.

Cut off spent flowers and remove any dead foliage as the plant dies back.

They will clump well if left undisturbed for at least 3-4 years. When they get congested they can be lifted and divided during the dormant months.