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Arthropodium Growing Guide

Header Arthropodium - Garden Express Australia

What is Arthropodium?

Arthropodium (Arthropodium cirratum) also known as New Zealand Rock Lily or Renga Renga Lily is a clump forming evergreen perennial. It is part of the Asparagaceae family and is native to New Zealand. Arthropodium has lush green strap like foliage which forms into a clumping habit. In Spring through to Summer bunches of small stary flowers are held aloft about the foliage. The flower colours are either white or pink depending on the variety. Arthropodium will grow and flower happily in either a full sun or part shade position in the garden with a wide range of soil types. They will even cope well with a dry shaded position.  They are drought tolerant but need to be protected from frost.

Benefits of Growing Arthropodium

Arthropodium is a low maintenance plant that can bring a lush tropical effect to your garden. They look great when planted en masse. They can be used for edging of paths, drives or retaining walls. Arthropodium is ideal for mass planting on dry embankments and effective when planted under trees or in large containers and rockeries.

How to Grow Arthropodium

Arthropodium Matapouri Bay - Garden Express Australia

Arthropodium Matapouri Bay

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 90cm, Width: 90cm

When To Plant Arthropodium

Plant anytime.

Soil Preparation

They are happy to grow in most soil types as long as the soil is free draining.

How To Plant Arthropodium

Plant in full sun to shaded position, 60 to 90cm apart with the plant crown at soil level. 

Arthropodium Plant Care

Water to establishment then little water is required except when adequate rainfall isn’t sufficient and during dry spells.

Mulch to retain moisture in the soil and suppress weeds.

Feed in Spring with a general fertiliser.

No pruning is usually required other than to tidy. Remove dead leaves which should just pull away from the plant by hand.

Remove flower stems as they fade should encourage more to develop.

Watch out for snails as they like to eat the new growth.