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Convolvulus Growing Guide

Header Convolvulus - Garden Express Australia

What is Convolvulus?

Convolvulus (Convolvulus spp.) known as Bindweed, Ground Morning Glory or Silver Bush is a dense herbaceous evergreen perennial. It is part of the Convolvulaceae family and is native to North Africa and Mediterranean Europe. There are over 200 different species in the genus, most are dense trailing ground covers with a few species of small woody compact shrubs. Their foliage is small and oval in shape and can be green or silver in colour depending on the variety. Convolvulus flowers during Summer through to Autumn. They produce clusters of open trumpet shaped flowers in a variety of colours depending on species. Colours range from blue, purple, pink, white each with a yellow center. Convolvulus require a full sun to part shade position in the garden that has well draining soil. They grow vigorously but are non invasive. They will tolerate light frosts and are drought hardy.

Benefits of Growing Convolvulus

Convolvulus are a hardy, fast growing and easy to grow ground cover. They are ideal for low maintenance areas in the garden. Convolvulus grows perfectly on sloping lands, hanging over retaining walls, in rockeries or to just add a bit of colour to the garden. They also look great cascading in pots or hanging baskets.

How to Grow Convolvulus

Convolvulus Blue 2012 - Garden Express Australia

Convolvulus Blue

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 30cm, Width: 70cm

When To Plant Convolvulus

Plant anytime.

Soil Preparation

Convolvulus preform well in most soil types as long as it is well drained.

How To Plant Convolvulus

Plant in full sun, 30-60cm apart with the plant crown at soil level. 

Convolvulus Plant Care

For best results they like to stay moist so regular watering through dry period is necessary. Water when rainfall isn’t sufficient during cooler periods. This plant will successfully survive droughts.

Apply an annual application of an all-purpose fertiliser in Spring.

The plant can be pruned to desired shape but otherwise, no pruning is required. Trim back plants after flowering to produce new growth.