Colchicum Growing Guide
What is Colchicum?
Colchicum (Colchicum byzantinum) also known as Autumn Crocus is a bulbous perennial. They come from the Liliaceae family. This interesting bulb flowers during Autumn, producing masses of lilac rose flowers. The flowers then disappear and in Spring the leaves will appear. Colchicum are hardy bulbs being both frost and drought tolerant.
Benefits of Growing Colchicum
Colchicum are quiet interesting plants flowering in Autumn then waiting until Spring to put out foliage however they have another interesting process. They will even flower inside with no soil or water. Once the flowering is complete however it must be planted immediately so it can go through the life cycle in the soil. Colchicum are ideal for pots and containers. Despite their short stems, they also make good cut flowers.
How to Grow Colchicum
Climatic Zones
Cool to sub tropical.
Plant Size
Height: 20-30cm, Width: 20cm
When To Plant Colchicum
Plant in Summer.
Soil Preparation
Prefer a fertile, well-drained soil with well-rotted compost and complete fertiliser. Mix through before planting.
How To Plant Colchicum
Plant in full sun to part shade, 15-20cm apart with the bulb at a depth of 10cm with the pointed end facing up.Â
Colchicum Plant Care
Keep their soil moist while they are actively growing in order to ensure multiplication.
Top dress with a complete fertiliser in Spring.
Colchicum don’t need to be lifted and can be left undisturbed in the ground. If necessary lift bulbs in January while they are dormant. They can then be replanted immediately or stored in a dark, dry position.
Watch out for snails and slugs during Spring when the new grow is shooting.