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Chinese Ground Orchid Growing Guide

Header Chinese Ground Orchid - Garden Express Australia

What is Chinese Ground Orchid?

Chinese Ground Orchid (Bletilla striata) also known as Hardy Orchid and Hyacinth Orchid is a terrestrial perennial orchid. It is part of the Orchidaceae family and is native to China, Japan, Korea and Myanma. In early Spring the Chinese Ground Orchid will begin to shoot foliage that is upright, pleated, sword shaped and bright green. Later in Spring flower spikes will push up to bloom about the strappy foliage. Each spike can have between 3 to 5 pink/purple or white blooms. Chinese Ground Orchid prefers a full sun to semi shade position with humus rich well drained soil when grown in the garden. Although it is generally tolerant to light frosts it needs protection from heavy frosts and wind.

Benefits of Growing Chinese Ground Orchid

Chinese Ground Orchids are easy to grow. They are perfect for pots and containers and also look fantastic when planted en masse in beds, borders or rock gardens. Chinese Ground Orchids are even suitable to grow inside as long as they are in a bright space. They can be used as a cut flower. The flowers are easy to pick, simply pluck the blooms from amongst the foliage where they will last well in a vase.

How to Grow Chinese Ground Orchid

Chinese Ground Orchid 19 Pkchigor - Garden Express Australia

Chinese Ground Orchid

Climatic Zones

Cool to Sub-Tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 30-40cm, Width: 15-30cm

When To Plant Chinese Ground Orchid

Plant in late Autumn to Winter.

Soil Preparation

They need a free draining humus rich soil. You can use an orchid mix when growing in pots however they will grow fine in normal soil as long as it drains well.

How To Plant Chinese Ground Orchid

Plant in full sun to semi shade, 20cm apart with the rhizome laying flat, about 5 cm under the soil surface.

Chinese Ground Orchid Plant Care

Keep dry whilst not actively growing, water sparingly once shoots start developing and keep plant slightly moist whilst actively growing. Stop watering the plant when the leaves die.

The flowers fade during the Autumn and after this the leaves will start to turn yellow. Tidy up foliage when plant has died back in Winter when it goes into dormancy.

Use liquid fertiliser every 2 weeks during the growing season.

Take care when weeding as the Chinese Ground Orchid as shallow roots.

Clumps will slowly get lager over time. Propagation by division of larger clumps when dormant, in late Winter is best.

Mealy bugs, red spider mite, and aphids can sometimes be a problem when grown indoors.