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Archive | Winter Vegetables

Curly Kale

Frost Tolerant Vegetables

Can you grow veggies in a frost prone area? The answer is yes! In fact, quite a few of the most popular vegetables thrive in cooler climates, and some are even made tastier by light frosts.  While Australia’s cold season is fairly mild compared to other parts of the world, you’ll need to put in

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Frost Tolerant Plants

Is your local area prone to frost in winter and early spring? If so, don’t stress – it need not spell doom for your gardening efforts. Plenty of plants are able to tolerate subzero temperatures, and there are actions you can take to give your garden the best chance of rebounding from a freeze. Read

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Easy Edibles to Grow This Winter

Growing your own produce  Growing your own edible produce at home is a worthy goal for any gardener. Not sure where to start? Go for easy-to-grow, high yielding varieties suited to the conditions you have available in your garden. Here are a few beginner-friendly suggestions for those looking to flex their green thumbs over winter.

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