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Archive | Hippeastrum

Flowers 1095770 640 - Garden Express Australia

Hippeastrum Varieties

Growing Hippeastrum Varieties in Australia There are approximately 90 species of Hippeastrum and over 600 different hybrids. You can recognise Hippeastrum plants by their fleshy bulbs, tall broad leaves, and bright coloured flowers. The flowers bloom from bulbs and will usually produce four voluptuous, trumpet shaped blooms per bulb. In Australia, Hippeastrum plants thrive in

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Hippeastrum Elvas 2020 Pkhipelv - Garden Express Australia

Hippeastrum Diseases

With their spectacular show of trumpet-like flowers around Christmas, Hippeastrums are a summer star. When it comes to growing this perennial bulb, also known by the common name* amaryllis, problems tend to be minimal – it’s tough, tolerant and pest resistant. Like any other plant, though, Hippeastrums aren’t immune to disease, so it’s worth keeping

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Rsz Flower 980613 1920 - Garden Express Australia

What Should I Do With My Amaryllis After It Blooms?

“What should I do with my Amaryllis after it blooms?” This is a question we hear quite frequently. Here, we’ll explain what to do with Amaryllis after blooming is over for the season by showing how this fits into the plant’s life cycle.  About Hippeastrums (Amaryllis) While many gardeners know this plant as Amaryllis, we’ll

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