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Archive | Dahlias

Rsz Fabien Lebre Reizahp3uc8 Unsplash - Garden Express Australia

Dahlias: Shade or Full Sun?

With their striking, sculptural flowers, dahlias bring a touch of drama to the garden across summer and autumn. Given their popularity in floral arrangements, it’s no surprise that many dahlia enthusiasts seek to maximise blooms.  A common question, then, is where to position dahlias in the garden for optimal flowering. Are dahlias full sun plants

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Rsz Sue Hughes Nrgo0ijkgjo Unsplash - Garden Express Australia

Best Dahlia Companion Plant

You may know dahlias for their dazzling flowers, but did you know you can give them a boost with the help of other plants? If not, it’s time to get familiar with companion planting.  Whether it’s a massed planting in a bed or a single potted dahlia, companion plant species can help keep your prized

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Dahlia Pink - Garden Express Australia

9 Types of Dahlias

Few flowers cut a more striking figure in the garden than dazzling dahlias. Available in an impressive variety of sizes, shapes and colours, these herbaceous perennials produce a dramatic display of both colour and form through summer and autumn. Origins Dahlias are members of the Asteraceae family, alongside daisies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums and zinnia. This family

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