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Home » Best Vegetables To Plant In Spring

Best Vegetables To Plant In Spring

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With winter winding down, it’s time to think about getting your hands dirty in the veggie patch.

Spring is prime time for germinating seeds for harvesting in summer and autumn. 

Seeds may take longer to grow and be a little more work than seedlings, but they’re the most economical and easily accessible ways to grow your own produce.

The ideal sowing method to use will vary depending on the plants, with some seeds preferring to be sown directly into the ground and others doing better when raised in seed trays

Here’s our rundown of some of the best veggies to plant in spring from seed.

Spring Onions

Despite the name, spring onions can actually be sown at any time of year. Make spacing them a breeze by using a seed tape – seeds are pre-spaced on biodegradable paper, and germinate in the usual way. Great for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike!

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Whether you class them as fruit or a veggie, tomatoes deserve to be listed with the best vegetables to plant in spring. Sow seeds in trays from early spring, taking care to keep them warm (above 18C). Try a flavourful heirloom variety such as Mortgage Lifter.

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Handsome yet humble, pumpkins take pride of place in many a veggie patch. They do well in poorer soils than most vegetable crops can tolerate, and prefer to be sown directly into the ground. Try sowing Pumpkin Jap in spring for harvesting from late summer to late autumn. 

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Salad Greens

Love fresh summer salads? Sowing some mixed salad leaf seeds is a winning choice that gives great bang for your buck. Young leaves are harvested individually, with the plants producing more leaves to take their place. Sow seeds in spring through to summer. 

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Lebanese Cucumbers

Another popular salad crop, Lebanese cucumbers can be harvested while quite small and eaten whole, but they’re great when left to grow up to 10cm in length. Sow seeds directly in their final position, from spring through to summer. Help them along by adding fertiliser. 

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Sweet Corn

Corn seeds (such as Snow Gold Bicolour) prefer direct sowing, although they can be raised in pots in a warm spot if you live in a cooler zone and want to start them earlier. The final planting needs to be in a block formation rather than single rows. Keep in mind that corn plants are tall growers. 

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Growing Your Own Vegetables

There are so many vegetables to grow in spring, it can be hard to know where to begin. The important thing is to get started and experiment – you’ll soon be enjoying a yield of delicious, homegrown produce. Are you looking to plant something else? Have a look at our top picks on what to plant in spring.

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