Allium Bridal Mist Growing Guide
What is Allium Bridal Mist?
Allium Bridal Mist (Allium neapolitanum) is also know as Ornamental Onion, White Allium, Naples Garlic, Bride’s Onion, Daffodil Garlic, Flowering Onion, Wood Garlic. It is part of the Alliaceae family and is native to the Mediterranean. This Spring bulb likes a full sun position in the garden with well draining soil. Bright green strappy leaves appear first which will then give way to the flowers. The flowers are produced on a spike that rise above the plant to form a cluster at the top with sweet scented star shaped white flowers. The flowers will stay around for about 3 weeks. Allium Bridal Mist require a cold Winter in their dormant stage to flower. They are very slow to multiply and generally do not like to be planted in pots.
Benefits of Growing Allium Bridal Mist
Allium Bridal Mist are an easy to grow bulb, that requires little water once established. They make a striking ornamental flower which would look good in any garden bed, as a border, rock garden, cottage garden or ground cover. For best impact plant en masse. Their long life makes them perfect for cut flowers. Allium flowers attract butterflies into your garden.
How to Grow Allium Bridal Mist
Climatic Zones
Cool, temperate, arid, semi arid.
Plant Size
Height: 40cm, Width: 20cm
When To Plant Allium Bridal Mist
Plant in Autumn.
Soil Preparation
They prefer well-drained soil with near neutral pH. Dig through a small amount of complete granular fertiliser or well broken down manure into the soil prior to planting.
How To Plant Allium Bridal Mist
Plant in full sun, 10-20cm apart with the bulb at a depth of 10cm under the soil surface.
Allium Bridal Mist Plant Care
Water well after planting and while in bloom, only if rainfall is low. Do not water after flowering, as wet soil will rot bulbs.
Each year you can apply a bulb or complete fertiliser just before new foliage appears.
The bulbs may be left undisturbed for many years and should only be lifted and separated when over crowded. Dig just after flowering, normally mid December. Store in a cool, dry location before replanting in Autumn.
Watch out for snails and slugs as new foliage emerges.