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Home » Your Complete Guide To Spring Gardening

Spring Gardening

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Your Complete Guide To Spring Gardening

There’s no doubt that gardening in spring is a real buzz, with many plants going into overdrive putting out new growth and bursting into flower.

Stronger sun and warmer soil also means it’s the best time of year for sowing seeds and establishing young plants.

Taking advantage of this time means making decisions about what to add to your garden, while ensuring your existing plants have everything they need to thrive in the year ahead.

This special is packed full of ideas and reminders to help you do just that.

Preparing Your Garden

Find out how to start preparing your garden for spring right now.

We cover the basics of setting up for a thriving springtime garden, including:

  • Garden clean-up and clearing out beds of unwanted matter
  • Preparing soil by conditioning and cultivating
  • Planning ahead for effective plantings
  • Checking your tools and equipment supply

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Spring Gardening Tips

Spring is all about the rush of new life after winter, with bundles of fresh energy to be converted into flowers, fruit, foliage and edible produce.

As a gardener, your job is to set up and maintain the optimal conditions for your plants to do this.

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